Monday, 30 March 2020

5 Relavant Words - Coronavirus Pandemic

Remember that wish of sitting idle and killing time. Well, that just got granted and it ain't too good to be true, I agree. Maybe make the best use of this quarantine while it lasts. No fun intended. Straight epic boredom.

1. Détente -
a relaxing of tension, especially between nations, as by negotiations or agreements.

Sentence : There is hope that the U.S. and China will at least reach some sort of detente on trade.

2. Stir-Crazy -
restless or frantic because of confinement, routine, etc.

Sentence : By now, let’s hope you’re safely ensconced at home—going a little stir-crazy, perhaps, but doing your part to “flatten the curve.”

3. Hobgoblin -
something causing superstitious fear; a bogy.

Sentence : The Corona virus pandemic is very real. Not just the hobgoblin of religious philosophers.

4. Caprice -
a sudden, unpredictable change, as of one's mind or the weather.

Sentence : This is a caprice—and it would be the most vulnerable thing to walk around the streets right now.

5. Flinty -
unyielding; unmerciful; obdurate

Sentence : The flinty Coronavirus pandemic is proving to be unapologetically fatal to aged.

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