Friday 7 November 2014


Now, blogging this article, I feel like I am experiencing 'Chutzpah', for being a social media addict myself. For those, who did not get it, do watch HAIDER.

Mankind has reached the stage of Nirvana.We have started looking at the inner beauty of things. Clicking pics of insects with ultra zoom lenses has become socially acceptable. Every DSLR owner worth its salt must post pictures of insects/flowers/rain drops/cow shit with #NaturePhotography. Ever wondered what if there was a button next to "like" such as "Boooo". There I go again....'Chutzpah' moment.

Checking In....

Most checked in place on earth are airports. Specially when someone is flying abroad. As if there was any other mode of transport. Every Indian worth its salt  need to abide by the unsaid rule of checking into the International Airport even if he is flying to Ladakh. 

Gone are the days when clicking pics in Starbucks, abroad to show off to fellow Indians back home, was a moment of national pride. The big brands have eventually made their way into Mother India. Indianization of such food chains have satisfied aunties and uncles alike with their local variants. For instance, McAlooTikki (or, as McDonalds describes it, a mouth watering fried potato patty infused with Indian spices so scarce that the British could rule another 100 years to find them, had they not lost to Aamir's team in Lagaan)

Ever since FB came into being, our ladies have rediscovered the purpose of their being, ofcourse after the Sasuraal Simar Ka... troll. That is, posting pictures of dishes captioned such as, "Tried lauki daal with extra surprise to hubby <3" while on the other side dear hubby caught posting "Work work work....hate to stay at office on a weekend". 

Our new age mommies don't crib often nowadays, as posting cute baby pics is their new found passion, coz preparing baby food and babysitting without instagramming is just too mainstream. #CutebabyEatsTheCameraAsMommyIsBusyPhotoshopping.

Festivals in India have evolved over the years too. Now people not posting happy pictures in their ethnic avatar might be hashtagged into #SocialOutcasts. Now people do gather for a  #HappyfamilyMoment.

Our Indian diaspora has now acquired a new obsession of jugaad, ie it is now much more easier to beg for jobs and recommendations. We have LinkedIn.  Now one can shamelessly publish their resume on the profile and add people as "recommendations". Now asking for job opportunities from complete strangers is counted as professional etiquette. Not to forget, it also serves as a reality check for the mongers.

I can go on and on, but I do not wish my effigies to be burnt on the streets with #Moron #Jobless #MissuseOfFreedomOfSpeech. And, in case you wish to curse me cumulatively, I had declared Chutzpah moment as a disclaimer ;)